Adwords Optimization Series… Day #4

Adwords Optimization Series… Day #4

On our parter website, we’re continuing our series on Adwords Optimization. What to do during the first 7 days of your Adwords campaign being live. This video focuses on keywords. How many keywords should you have in your Adwords campaign?...
Ad Scheduling for Google Adwords

Ad Scheduling for Google Adwords

On our parter website, we’re talking about ad scheduling. Why is this so important? Imagine seeing that you get 200 clicks per month between the hours of 12am and 6am and not ONE of them converted to a sale. Do you really want to keep...
What is a Good Click Through Rate or CTR?

What is a Good Click Through Rate or CTR?

Over on our PPC Video Training website, today we talk about what’s a good click-through rate or CTR for your Google AdWords or pay-per-click account? Every single person and even a lot of big agencies have a different number that they consider the ideal CTR or (Click...